Debussy & Tchaikovsky: Ilona Domnich & Sholto Kynoch
13 October 2018, 10:00pm 11 March 2025 - 11:19am
In the summers of 1880-1882, the young Debussy was employed by Nadezhda von Meck, the patron of Tchaikovsky, to accompany her family as teacher and musical companion as they travelled to Russia, Switzerland, Italy and Austria. We hear songs from this formative period for Debussy, alongside romances by Tchaikovsky from the same years.
N.B. A 'Debussy Day Pass' is available to purchase for £65 which will enable you to attend all talks and concerts (excluding meals) at the festival on 13th October 2018. Please book your day pass here:
- Claude Debussy (1862 - 1918)
- Beau soir (1880) L6
- Mandoline (1882) L29
- Romance 'Silence inéffable' (1883) L43
- Le matelot qui tombe à l'eau (Chanson Triste) (1882) L24
- Romance [musique pour éventail]; 'Voici que le printemps' (1884) L52
- Les roses (1881) L13
- Zéphyr (1881) L12
- Fantoches (1882) L26
- Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840 - 1893)
- Sred shumnovo bala ('Amid the din of the ball') (1878) Op. 38 no.3 from 6 Romances
- Vcherashnaya noch’ ('Last night') (1886) Op. 60 no. 1
- Kukushka ('The Cuckoo') (1886) Op. 54 no.8
- Skazhy o chom v teni vetvej ('Oh say, what is it, in shady branches') (1884) Op. 57 no.1
- Solovej ('The Nightingale') (1886) Op. 60 no.4
- Ja li v pole da ne travushka (1880) Op. 47 no.7
- Ne ver' moj drug, ('Do not believe it, my friend') (1869) Op. 6 no.1
- Nyet tolko tot kto znal ('None but the lonely heart') (1869) Op. 6 no.6

12 October 2018 | 9:00am