Ani Ter-Martirosyan


Ani Ter-Martirosyan's game is characterized by special emotionality and passion. She is held in high esteem by critics above all for her feather-light virtuosity (Neue Zürcher Zeitung) and her poetic, sensitive sound.

As a sought-after concert pianist, Ani Ter-Martirosyan is in concert halls such as the Cologne Philharmonic, the Essen Philharmonic, the WDR 3 television studio, the Robert Schuman Hall in Düsseldorf, the Aachen Theater, the Historische Stadthalle Wuppertal or the Teatro Quirino and the Galeria Borghese Rome and the Villa Medici Giulini in Milan.

During her studies, the young pianist took part in well-known national and international competitions and festivals, such as the International Osimo Competition in Italy, the Concours Ile-de-France, the Sieghard Rometsch Competition in Germany, and the Swiss Engadin Festival, Piano Festival Ruhr in Germany and International LiedDuo Competition Groningen as well as Zeist Liedfestival in the Netherlands.

Ani Ter-Martirosyan's game is characterized by special emotionality and passion. She is held in high esteem by critics above all for her feather-light virtuosity (Neue Zürcher Zeitung) and her poetic, sensitive sound.

Most recently, she qualified for the Best of NRW concert series and performed at the Schumannfest Düsseldorf. Next year she will be invited to renowned festivals such as the Beethovenfest Bonn, Yerevan International Music Festival, Oxford International Song Festival, and the Internationaal Lied Festival Zeist.

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