Yue Wang


Soprano Yue Wang was  born in Shenzhen, China, in 1996.She achieved her bachelor's degree in vocal performance in 2019 at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, studying under the guidance of the Chinese-American baritone Zheng Zhou. Since October 2019, she has been furthering her studies in art song at the Karlsruhe University of Music with Prof. Hartmut Höll and Prof. Dr. h.c. Mitsuko Shirai.

Yue is deeply passionate about both opera and art songs, showcasing her talents on international stages in China, Germany, Finland, Italy, Austria, and the Netherlands. She holds a DAAD scholarship at the Karlsruhe University of Music.

In collaboration with pianist Sara Pavlovic, she was honoured with the Young Artist Platform Prize at the International Song Festival Zeist in 2022. Additionally, she, along with pianist Mariko Sakonju, secured the Rainer Koch Memorial Prize in 2022.

She was significantly involved in the film "Hölderlin's Echo", directed by Prof Susanne Marschall and Prof Hannes Rall. In this project, she worked together with Hartmut Höll and recorded Hölderlin songs.

Updated 22.7.24

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