Quatuor Hanson

Hanson Quartet

Thanks to its noteworthy and exceptional scenic presence, the Hanson Quartet won in 2016 the Second Prize at the Geneva International String Quartet Competition and in April 2015 the Third Prize and Audience Prize at the 11th International Competition for String Quartet in Lyon. In 2014 they were received awards at the European Competition for Music Ensembles "FNAPEC" where they won the "Bourse de l'Académie des Beaux Arts". Since 2015 the four musicians have been in residence at the Fondation Singer-Polignac and they are supported by the « Fondation Banque Populaire ». Having graduated from the Conservatoire Supérieur de Paris, the French quartet regularly receives regularly advice from Hatto Beyerle, Johannes Meissl and Ebene Quartet. The four interprets of Hansons are particularly involved in research and understanding of the musical language. Thanks to its knowledge of the music repertoire founding the string quartet, and especially Joseph Haydn, the Hanson Quartet has built up a strong identity of discourse in which intelligence and a touch of humor get involved in the delicacy and the sensibility of its interpretation. The quartet has performed in large halls such as the Wigmore Hall, the Victoria Hall, the Auditorium de la Maison de la Radio in Paris, the Opéra de Lyon, the Salle Cortot and the Cité de la Musique. The Hanson Quartet is regularly invited to play throughout Europe (Germany, Norway, England, Austria, Italy, Swizerland, Portugal, Morocco…) and since September 2016 the Hanson Quartet has been in residency at the French Radio (France Musique). Their first CD dedicated to Haydn was released on 11 October 2019 and received the best awards a CD can get as well as the CD dedicated to Dutilleux, Ligeti and Bartok in October 2021 or the one dedicated to Crumb last Spring 2022!

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