Debussy & Boulanger: Wolfgang Holzmair & Roger Vignoles

21 October 2018, 1:30pm - 2:15pm

A recital given by Wolfgang Holzmair is always a special occasion, and this recital also marks the start of his week in residence at the Festival, leading our Mastercourse. Debussy’s Fêtes Galantes and settings of François Villon are interspersed with songs by Lili Boulanger, the astonishing composer prodigy and first female winner of the ‘Prix de Rome’ composition prize, who died in 1918 aged just 24.

  • Lili Boulanger (1893 - 1918)
  • Reflets (1911)
OLF2018 Brochure Cover

12 October 2018 | 9:00am

The Grand Tour – A European Journey in Song

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12pm Cushion Concert for Over 5s: Emma Stannard, Keval Shah, Aliye Cornish
21 October 2018, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
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Meet the Students
21 October 2018, 3:00pm - 5:00pm

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