Anne-Lise Polchlopek



After passionate violin, architecture, literature and languages studies, the French young mezzo-soprano Anne-Lise Polchlopek learnt lyric singing with Claudine Le Coz in Paris and then at Lyon National Superior Conservatory of Music and Dance (CNSMDL) with Mireille Delunsch. She is part of Opera Fuoco (David Stern), of the Lyon National Opera House Studio, and currently trains with José van Dam and Sophie Koch at Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel.

She took part in various relevant master-classes led by : Ludovic Tézier, Stéphane Degout, Felicity Lott, Bernarda Fink, Susan Manoff and William Christie, among others.

Laureate of the Marmande International Competition (2nd prize Mélodie, 2018), of the International Mélodies Competition of Gordes (2018), of the Parisian Association New Talents (2019), of the Royaumont Foundation (2020/21/22), and of the Nadia and Lili Boulanger International Competition with pianist Elenora Pertz (De Séverac Price, december 2021), she received support from the Musical Sponsorship of the Societe Generale Group (2020-21).

Anne-Lise Polchlopek quickly got started as a professional singer, while still at the conservatory, and sang, inter alia, Dorabella (Così fan tutte) at Neimënster (Luxembourg), the Charming Prince (Cendrillon, Massenet) at the Amphitheater of Lyon National Opera House, Augustine Bremond (Les Enfants du Levant, Aboulker) with Lyon National Opera House, Zulma (L’Italiana in Algeri) at Clermont-Auvergne Opera House, Marcellina (Nozze di Figaro) with Opera Fuoco, Marie de l’Incarnation (Dialogues des Carmélites) at the CNSMDL, La Chatte, le Pâtre, l’Ecureuil (L’Enfant et les Sortilèges, Ravel) with Lyon National Opera House, The Old Lady (Candide) with Opera Fuoco, Cherubino (Nozze di Figaro) at Clermont-Auvergne Opera House, Mrs Noye (Noye’s Fludde, Britten) at Théâtre de Caen, Nicklausse (Contes d’Hoffmann) at Nancy.

Her future projects include debuts at the Radio France Montpellier Festival, at the Musée d’Orsay Auditorium, at the Wigmore Hall, at Lille Opera House, at the Muse Salentine Festival, at the Oxford Lieder Festival, at Saint-Étienne Opera House (Requiem, Mozart), at the Philharmonie de Paris (We are Eternal with Opera Fuoco David Stern), at Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon (Carmen, title role), at Luxembourg National Theater (Carmen, title role), and at Reims Opera House (Cherubino, Nozze di Figaro).

Loving both literature and chamber music, Anne-Lise Polchlopek is also involved in two CD recordings about to release in autumn 2022 : “Chants du silence” with Thomas Taquet (Hortus Editions) and “Ombres chimériques” with Nicolas Royez (B Records).

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