Avi Lifschitz

Avi Lifschitz is an Associate Professor of European History at Magdalen College. The intellectual and cultural history of Europe in the long eighteenth century (c. 1680-1815) is his main area of research; he is particularly interested in the links between Enlightenment anthropology, theology, and political theory. Other significant aspects of Avi’s work include translation and cross-cultural transfer as well as the history of royal academies and exiled intellectuals in the eighteenth century.

Avi joined the History Faculty and Magdalen College in 2017 after a decade of teaching European History at UCL (University College London). Here he teaches undergraduate and postgraduate modules, offers research supervision, co-convenes the Enlightenment Workshop research seminar (with Professor Nicholas Cronk of the Voltaire Foundation), and serves on the editorial board of the book series Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment. Research fellowships have included the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, the Clark Library at UCLA, the Lichtenberg-Kolleg at the University of Göttingen, and the Enlightenment Research Centre at the University of Halle-Wittenberg (IZEA).

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