Chaos String Quartet

Susanne Schäffer – violin  |  Eszter Kruchió – violin
Sara Marzadori – viola  |  Bas Jongen – cello

Founded in 2019 on the interdisciplinary concept of chaos, the Chaos String Quartet combines a highly refined ensemble culture and a fiery vitality with a passion for exploring experimental and improvisational approaches. With their affinity for embracing unpredictability and risk-taking, the ensemble’s members bring a unique dynamism and vibrancy to their playing featuring a whole universe of sounds.

Recently selected as a BBC Radio 3 New Generation Artist 2023-2025, the Chaos String Quartet is rapidly establishing itself on the international music scene. The Quartet has been awarded at the most prestigious international competitions, including ARD (2022), Bordeaux (2022), Haydn (2023) and Bad Tölz (2023). Additional successes include winning the 2nd Prize at Budapest’s 2021 Bartók World Competition and the Premio V. E. Rimbotti in Italy.

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