Gareth Brynmor John


Winner of the Kathleen Ferrier Award, baritone Gareth Brynmor John studied at St John's College, Cambridge and the Royal Academy of Music where, in his final year, he won the Royal Academy of Music Patrons' Award. He recently studied at the National Opera Studio where he was supported by the Royal Opera House.

He made his debut with Welsh National Opera singing Schaunard (La Boheme) in Spring 2017, and returned in the following seasons singing Eugene Onegin, Masetto (Don Giovanni) and Papageno (Magic Flute). Recent engagements include Ismeron (The Indian Queen) with Opéra de Lille and le concert d'Astrée, Aeneas (Dido and Aeneas) with the Hong Kong Philharmonic, Sharpless (Madamma Butterfly) for Bury Court Opera and at the Anghiari Festival in Tuscany, and Pallante (Agrippina) for Iford Arts Opera. Future engagements include Robert (Sicilian Vespers) with WNO.

Gareth has performed extensively on the concert platform with a number of the UK’s leading orchestras and ensembles including the RPO, The Philharmonia, the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra and the London Mozart Players. Highlights include Elijah with the Really Big Chorus at Birmingham Town Hall; Carmina Burana with the Bach Choir at the Royal Festival Hall and with Hertfordshire Chorus at the Barbican; Handel Messiah at the Royal Albert Hall; Fauré Requiem at the Royal Albert Hall; Dream of Gerontius with the Leeds Philharmonic Chorus; Bach St Matthew and St John Passions; Handel Judas Maccabeus, Israel in Egypt and Alexander’s Feast; Vaughan Williams Sea Symphony; Rachmaninoff The Bells; and Britten’s War Requiem at Guildford and Chichester Cathedrals.  Recent and future concert engagements include Brahms Requiem for the Ulster Orchestra and with the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra,  Vaughan Williams Sea Symphony at Salisbury Cathedral,  Belshazzar’s Feast at Guildford Cathedral, Stanford's Mass Via Victrix with the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, The Kingdom with the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra and recitals at the Ludlow English Song Weekend, London Song Festival, and Oxford Lieder.

Gareth is part of the Songsmiths, and has given recitals at St John’s Smith Square, Wigmore Hall, Barber Institute, King’s Place, King’s Lynn Festival, North Norfolk Music Festival, Haddo Festival, Buxton Festival and Leeds Lieder. Last year he recorded his debut CD, The Children's Hour, with William Vann, which will be available on Champs Hill records from Autumn 2019.

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