Liam Bonthrone


Scottish tenor Liam Bonthrone is a Postgraduate student at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama, under the tutelage of Robert Dean and Adrian Thompson. He recently won the GSMD English Song Prize. Liam made his operatic debut as Don Ramiro in Rossini’s La Cenerentola with British Youth Opera, and won two major Opera awards for his performances.

On the concert platform, recent solo performances include Handel Samson, Bach Christmas Oratorio, and Phillips Love Songs for Mary Joyce. Last year he appeared in the ensemble for Bernstein’s Candide, with the LSO. 

He has performed as a soloist at the Wigmore Hall, Barbican Centre and Milton Court Concert Hall, in concerts and recitals led by artists such as the Prince Consort, and Graham Johnson OBE. He featured in BBC Radio 3’s Total Immersion, and he frequently performs in collaboration with Alisdair Hogarth for Classic FM.

This year, Liam will undertake training as a Samling Young Artist, and as an Alvarez Young Artist at Garsington Opera, performing the role of Delmonte, in Verdi’s Un giorno di Regno.

Liam is grateful for the generous support of a Dewar Arts Award, Help Musicians UK, The Caird Trust, and The Robertson Trust.

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