Rachel Fright


Following her performance as a Leeds Lieder Young Artist 2018, Rachel Fright was awarded the Hester Dickson Duo Prize with duo partner Ted Black (tenor) to study at Oxenfoord International Summer School with Malcolm Martineau. Rachel performs regularly across the UK and has been featured on BBC Radio 3. She is a musician for Live Music Now, deputy tutor at Yorkshire Young Musicians and accompanist to Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus and the Macclesfield Singers. Recent work has included projects with Clonter Opera Theatre and Jackdaws Music Education Trust.

Rachel studied with scholarships to Pembroke College, Oxford and the Royal Northern College of Music, where she was taught by Stephen Savage, David Jones and Julius Drake, with whom she continues private study. From 2017-19, Rachel was a Junior Fellow in Accompaniment at the RNCM. During her studies, she was supported by the Helen Mackaness Award and won several prizes for accompaniment: the Stella Bradshaw Memorial Award, the Frost/Brownson Award for Accompaniment, the Clifton Helliwell Memorial Award, the Brodsky Prize, the Alexander Young Prize and the James Martin Oncken Song prize. In 2015, she attended the Oxford Lieder Festival Mastercourse, where she received tuition from Roger Vignoles and Imogen Cooper.

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