Song at Wolfson: Helen Charlston & Sholto Kynoch (first performance)

10 June 2021, 6:00pm - 7:05pm

Please note: this page is for the first performance at 6pm: if you wish to book tickets for the 8pm performance, please click here.

Helen Charlston is a thrilling young mezzo-soprano, recently described by Gramophone Magazine as ‘mesmerising’ and by the Daily Telegraph as ‘warmly distinctive’. She recently made an astonishing reimagining of the video of Coldplay’s ‘The Scientist’ using ‘Dido’s Lament’ by Purcell (see it here) with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, and her new CD Isolation Songbook has been widely acclaimed.

She and Sholto Kynoch begin with a group of songs by Clara Schumann, a set of exquisitely crafted masterpieces. Following this, they include songs by Johannes Brahms (who was infatuated with Clara Schumann) that perfectly demonstrate his great gift for melody aligned with his sensitive word-setting. At the centre of their programme is a cycle by that great master of English song, Gerald Finzi’s O Fair to See, that includes settings of Hardy, Rossetti, Gurney and others. They also include songs by Britten and Clarke. As always, Helen and Sholto will introduce this wonderful programme.

This performance will be in-person only, with a limited number of tickets to allow social distancing as per the current government guidelines.

As per government guidance you are permitted to attend this event with up to six people from multiple households, or more than six if these people are limited to two households. Please arrive at the venue together to take your seats.

Programmes are included in your ticket price and you will find these on your seats.

Everyone is expected to wear a face covering indoors unless they are exempt from doing so.

If you are displaying symptoms of Covid-19 on the day of the concert, please do not attend, but get in touch with our box office to arrange a refund.

The performance duration is one hour and there will be no interval.


To see more information about our Covid-19 safety measures, please click here.

Please provide a current email address when booking, as we shall be in touch before the concert to confirm the above arrangements and any other specific details to ensure the safety of all in attendance.

  • Robert Schumann (1810 - 1856)
  • Arabesque (1839) Op. 18

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