Ben Haggarty

Having been trained in mime and theatre direction in the 1970s, and apprenticed as an image-maker with Welfare State, Ben Haggarty began telling stories professionally in 1981 - becoming a central figure in the re-visioning of storytelling as a contemporary performing art in the UK.  Today, Ben is a world-class performance storyteller, whose work delights and subverts audiences across the English-speaking world.  A master of improvisation, he is internationally respected for his playful and lively performances, for his knowledge of stories and diverse narrative traditions. 

Ben performs stories - fairytale, myth and epic - in venues that have ranged from caves to the Carnegie Hall. He tours extensively to theatres and art centres across the UK and beyond, as well as in museums, galleries and educational settings. Ben has featured as guest storyteller, representing Britain, in over 45 International Storytelling festivals in 23 countries. For ten years he was the official storyteller for Yo Yo Ma’s Silk Road Ensemble project, devising family concerts combining stories and music for performances to audiences of up to 10,000 people.  He is artistic director of the legendary performance storytelling promoter & programmer, The Crick Crack Club.

Ben is a familiar voice on radio, including BBC Radio 4’s Midweek, A Good Read, and The Today Programme. He is Honorary Professor of Storytelling at the Arts University of Berlin (UDK). In 2017, Ben was awarded a BCAa for his contributions to the artform. His graphic novel series ‘MeZolith', with extraordinary artwork by Adam Brockbank, is published by Archaia.


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