Baruch (Benedict) Spinoza


Baruch (Benedict) Spinoza

1632 - 1677

Baruch Spinoza was a Dutch philosopher of Portuguese Sephardi origin. One of the early thinkers of the Enlightenment and modern biblical criticism, including modern conceptions of the self and the universe, he came to be considered one of the great rationalists of 17th-century philosophy.

Song List

This list is likely to be of songs that have been performed at Oxford International Song Festivals and Oxford Song events, and may not be comprehensive of this composer's compositions. This database is ever growing as a work in progress, with further songs regularly being added.

PART 1: OF INFINITY - 1. Omnis substantia est necessario infinita. Michael Zev Gordon
PART 1: OF INFINITY - 2. Ex necessitate divinae naturae infinita infinitis modis... (2020) Michael Zev Gordon
PART 2: OF AFFECTS - 3. Mens nostra quaedam agit... (2020) Michael Zev Gordon
PART 2: OF AFFECTS - 4. Odium reciproco odio augetur et amore contra deleri potest. (2020) Michael Zev Gordon
PART 2: OF AFFECTS - 5. Qui rei qua semel delectatus est... (2020) Michael Zev Gordon
PART 3: OF MIND - 6. Affectus qui passio est... (2020) Michael Zev Gordon
PART 3: OF MIND - 7. Qui se suosque affectus clare et distincte intelligit... (2020) Michael Zev Gordon
PART 3: OF MIND - 8. Deus expers est passionum nec ullo laetitiae aut tristitiae affectu afficitur. (2020) Michael Zev Gordon
PART 4: OF THE THIRD KIND OF KNOWLEDGE - 10. Ex hoc tertio cognitionis... (2020) Michael Zev Gordon
PART 4: OF THE THIRD KIND OF KNOWLEDGE - 9. Summus mentis conatus... (2020) Michael Zev Gordon

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