32. Catriona Morison & Malcolm Martineau: Brahms, Grieg, Schumann & Lang
13 October 2021, 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Catriona Morison shot to fame as winner of the BBC Cardiff Singer of the World Competition in 2017. We welcome her to the Festival with internationally-renowned pianist Malcolm Martineau. They include Grieg’s wonderful six setting of German texts, Op.48, which retain a strong Nordic influence and conclude with the ecstatic ‘Ein Traum’ (‘A Dream’). Alongside this are works by Schumann and Brahms, and a group of songs by Josephine Lang, who was recognised and supported by the Schumanns and Mendelssohn as an important song writer and whose works are once again gaining recognition today.
[youtube url=https://youtu.be/BxSPM3B5q-s]
Catriona perfoms Massanet at the Bergen Nasjonale Opera
[youtube url=https://youtu.be/V-LeNg-iSQI]
This event is an in-person and livestreamed event. Livestreamed performances will be available to watch live in our Digital Concert Hall at the advertised performance time and will be available to watch again and on demand until the end of November.
Want to watch this concert in person and at home? 'Hybrid' tickets, valid both in person and for the Digital Concert Hall, are also available for an additional £3 to the in-person price.
All our seating is unreserved. This means you are guaranteed a seat in your chosen area, but not a specific seat. In order to allow for social distancing, you will be seated as an individual or as a group, based on the number of tickets you booked for this concert.
For groups of more than 10, please phone or email the box office to book your tickets.
The performance duration is approximately 1 hour and there will be no interval.
(Online bookings only)
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Book ten or more concerts at the same time: 10% discount
Book fifteen or more concerts at the same time: 15% discount
For even further discounts click here for more information on our Festival Passes.
Tickets for both in-person and the Digital Concert Hall will be issued as eTickets by default. Printed tickets are available on request, for an additional fee.
Due to COVID-19 we have to do things a little differently this year. In order to keep everyone safe, our seating and concert conditions are subject to change in line with changing government guidance.
For more information about our COVID-19 safety measures, please click here.
If you are displaying symptoms of COVID-19 on the day of the concert, please do not attend, but get in touch with our box office to arrange a refund.
- Edvard Grieg (1843 - 1907)
- Sechs Lieder (Six Songs) (1884) Op. 48
- Johannes Brahms (1833 - 1897)
- Dein blaues Auge Op. 59 no.8
- Alte Liebe (1877) Op. 72 no.1 1876-77
- Junge Lieder I: Meine Liebe ist grün (1873) Op. 63 no.5
- Josephine Lang (1815 - 1880)
- Scheideblick (1840) Op. 10 no.5 from Sechs Lieder
- Ob ich manchmal Dein gedenke (1841) Op. 27 no.3
- Die Schwalben (1841) Op. 10 no.3 21.iv–13.v.1849 from Sechs Lieder
- Mignons Klage ('Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt') (1841) Op. 10 no.2 from Sechs Lieder
- Robert Schumann (1810 - 1856)
- Sechs Gedichte und Requiem (1850) Op. 90 1–5.viii.1850

08 October 2021 | 10:00am