Franz Schubert: Katharina Ruckgaber & Sholto Kynoch
16 October 2017, 1:10pm 28 March 2025 - 10:01am
Please note that Christina Gansch is unwell and has regretfully had to withdraw from this concert. We are very grateful to Katharina Ruckgaber for stepping in at short notice.
We are delighted to welcome the outstanding German soprano Katharina Ruckgaber to open our lunchtime series, in a wonderful all-Schubert programme. Katharina recently appeared in the Wigmore Hall Schubert song series with Sholto Kynoch, and at the Konzerthaus in Vienna with Graham Johnson. She has recently sung an acclaimed Papagena in Die Zauberflöte at the Theater an der Wien.
- Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828)
- An Silvia (1826) D891
- Daphne am Bach (1887) D411
- Liebhaber in allen Gestalten (1817) D558
- Der Fischer D225
- Die Forelle (1817) D550
- Johanna Sebus (1821) D728
- Gott höre meine Stimme (1815) D190
- Der Flug der Zeit (1817) D515
- Ariette / Romanze (Der Vollmond Strahlt) (1823) D797 no.3
- Die junge Nonne (1815) D828
- Misero pargoletto (1813) D42
- Gretchen am Spinnrade (1814) D118
- Litanei auf des Fest Allerseelen (1816) D343
- Der Musensohn (1822) D764

13 October 2017 | 9:00am