Benjamin Appl & Sholto Kynoch
04 March 2017, 8:00pm - 9:30pm
Benjamin Appl is well-established as one of the most exciting young artists of today. A former BBC New Generation Artist and a Rising Star of the European Concert Hall Organisation (ECHO), he has also recently signed an exclusive recording contract with Sony Classical. He and Sholto Kynoch perform a first half of songs by Schubert, followed by a selection of Wolf's Mörike Lieder and Grieg's wonderful six songs, Op. 48.
Purchase a pass for the Spring Weekend here for £60. This excellent-value pass gives access to all events over the weekend.
Before this evening's performance, enjoy a delicious dinner at the Vaults & Garden Cafe in Radcliffe Square. This gives plenty of time for those who wish to attend the Oxford Lieder Young Artist Platform audition recitals earlier in the day to have a hot meal before the evening concert. Book here.
- Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828)
- Am Bach im Frühling D361
- Im Frühling (1826) D882
- Fischerweise (1826) D881
- Frühlingsglaube D686
- Ganymed (1817) D544
- An den Mond D193
- Viola (1823) D786
- Der Wanderer an den Mond (1826) D870
- Abendstern (1824) D806
- Der Wanderer (1816) D489 / D493
~~~ Interval ~~~
- Hugo Wolf (1860 - 1903)
- Der Tambour (1888) No.5 from Mörike-Lieder
- Der Gärtner (1888) No.17 21–23.i.1851 from Mörike-Lieder
- Schlafendes Jesuskind (1888) No.25 from Mörike-Lieder
- Denk’ es, o Seele! (1888) No.39 from Mörike-Lieder
- Fußreise (1888) No.10 from Mörike-Lieder
- An die Geliebte (1888) No. 32 from Mörike-Lieder
- Der Jäger (1888) No. 40 from Mörike-Lieder
- Edvard Grieg (1843 - 1907)
- Sechs Lieder (Six Songs) (1884) Op. 48

03 March 2017 | 10:00am