Pietro Metastasio


Pietro Metastasio

1698 - 1782

Pietro Antonio Domenico Trapassi, better known by his pseudonym of Pietro Metastasio, was an Italian poet and librettist, considered the most important writer of opera seria libretti.

Metastasio was born in Rome, where his father, Felice Trapassi, a native of Assisi, had taken service in the Corsican regiment of the papal forces. Felice married a Bolognese woman, Francesca Galasti, and became a grocer in the Via dei Cappellari. The couple had two sons and two daughters; Pietro was the younger son.

Pietro, while still a child, is said to have attracted crowds by reciting impromptu verses on a given subject. On one such occasion in 1709, two men of distinction stopped to listen: Giovanni Vincenzo Gravina, famous for legal and literary erudition as well as his directorship of the Arcadian Academy, and Lorenzini, a critic of some note. Gravina was attracted by the boy's poetic talent and personal charm, and made Pietro his protégé; in the course of a few weeks he adopted him. Felice Trapassi was glad to give his son the chance of a good education and introduction into society.

Gravina hellenized the boy's name Trapassi into Metastasio, and intended his adopted son to be a jurist like himself. He therefore made the boy learn Latin and law. At the same time he cultivated his literary gifts, and displayed the youthful prodigy both at his own house and in the Roman coteries. Metastasio soon found himself competing with the most celebrated improvvisatori of his time in Italy. However, his days full of study and evenings devoted to improvising poetry took a toll on Pietro's health.

Gravina, making a business trip to Calabria, exhibited Metastasio in the literary circles of Naples, then placed him in the care of his kinsman Gregorio Caroprese at Scaléa. In country air and the quiet of the southern seashore Metastasio's health revived. Gravina decided that he should never improvise again, but should be reserved for nobler efforts, when, having completed his education, he might enter into competition with the greatest poets.

Taken from Wikipedia. To view the full article, please click here.

Song List

This list is likely to be of songs that have been performed at Oxford International Song Festivals and Oxford Song events, and may not be comprehensive of this composer's compositions. This database is ever growing as a work in progress, with further songs regularly being added.

Da quel sembiante apprèsi (1820) D688 Franz Schubert
Grazie agl'inganni tuoi (1784) K532 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Il modo di prender moglie (1827) D902 Franz Schubert
Il traditor deluso (1827) D902 Franz Schubert
L'Amante impaziente ('Liebes-Ungeduld') Ludwig van Beethoven
L'Amante impaziente ('Stille Frage') Ludwig van Beethoven
L'Eté Romance Jean-Jacques Rousseau
La partenza Gioachino Rossini
Liebesklage (T'intendo, sì, mio cor) Op. 82 no.2 Ludwig van Beethoven
L’incanto degli occhi (1827) D902 Franz Schubert
Ma rendi pur contento (1829) Vincenzo Bellini
Mio ben ricordati (1820) D688 Franz Schubert
Misero pargoletto (1813) D42 Franz Schubert
Pensa, che questo istante (1813) D76 Franz Schubert
Per pietà bell'idol mio (1829) Vincenzo Bellini
Son fra l’onde (1813) D78 Franz Schubert

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