Schubert Abroad: Schubert & Co.

23 October 2018, 7:30pm 06 July 2024 - 1:42am

Schubert & Co. is an exciting ensemble of eight exceptional singers, with pianist Sholto Kynoch, which was launched at the Oxford Lieder Spring Weekend 2018. The ensemble recreates the convivial and intimate atmosphere of the salon setting for which much of Schubert's ensemble music was written.

Tonight they explore Schubert’s Italian songs, alongside Italian ensembles by Mozart and Rossini, both of whom had a huge influence on Schubert (and arguably vice versa in the case of Rossini in his later years). Also included are Schubert's settings of Shakespeare, Cibber and Pope, and the concert concludes with the complete settings from Walter Scott’s The Lady of the Lake, which include the famed Ave Maria as well as several ensembles.

Click here to buy your programme pass for all evening concerts (12 - 27 October 2018) for just £40.

All programme passes will be available to collect from the Friends of Oxford Lieder Desk at all concerts.

OLF2018 Brochure Cover

12 October 2018 | 9:00am

The Grand Tour – A European Journey in Song

Previous Event
Festive Supper
23 October 2018, 6:30pm 06 July 2024 - 1:42am
Next Event
Mastercourse Day Three
24 October 2018, 10:00am - 5:00pm

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