Songs of Travel: Benjamin Appl & Simon Lepper
02 April 2020, 8:00pm - 9:30pm
Benjamin Appl is already established internationally as one of the most exciting singers of his generation. Together with Simon Lepper he presents a programme of journeys, from songs by Schubert and Wolf to Mahler’s Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (‘Songs of a Wayfarer’) and concluding with Vaughan Williams’ perennial favourite, the Songs of Travel.
A Full Spring Song Pass is available to purchase for £190 representing the best value for the best value for those attending all Spring Song Events.
A Mastercourse Pass* is available to purchase for £45: the best value for those attending 9 sessions or more throughout the week.
An Evening Concert Pass is also available for £165.
All Spring Song Passes are available to purchase on the Booking page.
*Please note, the Mastercourse Pass does not include any evening concerts or the Mastercouse concert on Saturday 4 April 2020.
- Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828)
- Das Wandern (1823) from Die schöne Müllerin
- Der Musensohn (1822) D764
- Das Lied im Grünen (1827) D917
- Der Wanderer an den Mond (1826) D870
- Wandrers Nachtlied II (1822) D768
- Der Wanderer (1816) D489 / D493
- Gustav Mahler (1860 - 1911)
- Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht (1897) 1883-1885 from Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen
- Ging heut’ Morgen über’s Feld (1897) 1883-1885 from Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen
- Ich hab’ ein glühend Messer (1897) 1883-1885 from Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen
- Die zwei blauen Augen von meinem Schatz (1897) 1883-1885 from Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen
~~~ Interval ~~~
- Hugo Wolf (1860 - 1903)
- Fußreise (1888) No.10 from Mörike-Lieder
- Auf einer Wanderung (1888) no.15 from Mörike-Lieder
- Heimweh (1888) no.37 from Mörike-Lieder
- Der Jäger (1888) No. 40 from Mörike-Lieder
- Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958)
- Songs of Travel (1904) (1904)

27 March 2020 | 10:00am