Stockholm to Vienna: Camilla Tilling & Paul Rivinius

20 October 2018, 7:30pm 27 July 2024 - 2:01am

Swedish soprano Camilla Tilling is in demand on stages the world over, and is joined tonight by her regular duo partner Paul Rivinius. They present a programme that begins in Vienna, with Mahler, Schoenberg and Korngold, before moving to Sweden for songs by Bo Linde and Wilhelm Stenhammar, and ending in Finland with a group of songs by Sibelius.

N.B. A 'Nordic Day Pass' is available to purchase for £60 which will enable you to attend all talks and concerts (excluding meals) at the festival on 20th October 2018. Please book your Day Pass here:

Click here to buy your programme pass for all evening concerts (12 - 27 October 2018) for just £40.

All programme passes will be available to collect from the Friends of Oxford Lieder Desk at all concerts.

OLF2018 Brochure Cover

12 October 2018 | 9:00am

The Grand Tour – A European Journey in Song

Previous Event
Festive Supper
20 October 2018, 6:30pm 27 July 2024 - 2:01am
Next Event
Sounding North: The Carice Singers
20 October 2018, 10:00pm 27 July 2024 - 2:01am

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