Tchaikovsky: Andrei Bondarenko & Gary Matthewman
27 October 2017, 7:30pm 04 March 2025 - 9:20pm
As part of our day exploring Russian song and the Russian Revolution, which came to an end 100 years ago almost to the day, we welcome the Ukrainian baritone Andrei Bondarenko, winner of the Song Prize at the 2011 BBC Cardiff Singer of the World. He performs songs by Rubinstein, Sviridov and Rachmaninov, before a second half comprising only Tchaikovsky songs: almost the Russian equivalent of a ‘Schubertiade’.
This event is part of a day exploring Russian song in the centenary of the Russian Revolution. The schedule for the day is as follows:
11.30am - 12.15pm - Revolution In Russia: Russian Music in the Twilight of the Russian Empire (Rebecca Mitchell, speaker)
1.10pm - Russian Romances Lunchtime recital (Katherine Broderick & Sergey Rybin)
2.45pm - 3.30pm - Revolution In Russia: Russian Music in the Age of Revolution (Pauline Fairclough, speaker)
4pm - 4.45pm - Revolution In Russia: Russian Song in the Age of Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov (Philip Ross Bullock, speaker)
5.30pm - 6.20pm - Rush-Hour Recital: 1917: The Last Flowering (Alexander Karpeyev)
7.30pm - 9.30pm - Evening Recital: Tchaikovsky (Andrei Bondarenko & Gary Matthewman)
10pm-11pm - Late-Night: Rachmaninov (Ilona Domnich & Sholto Kynoch)
- Anton Rubinstein (1829 - 1894)
- Klubitsa volnou ('Persian Song')
- Sergei Rachmaninov (1873 - 1943)
- O, dolgo budu ja, v molchan'i nochi tajnoj, 'In the silence of the secret night' (1893) Op. 4 no.3 from Six Romances
- Ikalos li tebe, Natsha ('Did you hiccup, Natasha') (1899) TN ii/54
- Ne poi krasavitsa (1893) Op. 4 no.4 from Six Romances
- Georgy Sviridov (1915 - 1998)
- Nevesta, 'Bride' (1975) from Peterburg
- Bogomater v gorode, 'Virgin in the city' (1975) from Peterburg
- Rodina, shchaslivyi i neiskhodnyi chas!, 'O my homeland, O joyful and eternal hour' (1987) from Otchalivshaya Rus', 'Russia Cast Adrift'
~~~ Interval ~~~
- Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840 - 1893)
- Sred shumnovo bala ('Amid the din of the ball') (1878) Op. 38 no.3 from 6 Romances
- Khotel by v jedinoje slovo ('Would like a single word') (1875) TH 100
- Solovej ('The Nightingale') (1886) Op. 60 no.4
- Moj genij, moj angel, moj drug ('My genius, My Angel, My Friend') (1855) TH 89
- Otchego, 'Why?' (1869) Op. 6 no.5
- My sideli s toboj ('We sat with you') (1893) Op. 73 no.1
- Blagoslovlyayu vas, lesa ('I bless you, Forests') (1880) Op. 47 no.5
- Primiren'e ('Reconciliation') (1875) Op. 25 no.1
- Sleza drozhit ('A tear trembles') (1869) Op. 6 no.4
- Ni slova, o drug moj ('Not a word, o my friend') (1869) Op. 6 no.2
- Snova, kak prezhde ('Again, as before, alone') (1893) Op. 73 no.6
- Don Zhuan serenade, 'Don Juan's Serenade' / Don Giovanni's Serenade (1878) Op. 38 no.1 from 6 Romances

13 October 2017 | 9:00am