46. Natasha Loges, Schubert & Co.: Schubert & Social Music
23 October 2022, 11:15am - 3:00pm
Part 1: 11.15am - 12.30pm
Part 2: 1.45pm - 3pm
Ticket includes coffee on arrival
Schubert & Co. (see also Event 35) are joined by Natasha Loges to explore the importance of social gatherings to Schubert and his circle, and the music he wrote for these occasions. In Metternich’s Vienna, public expression of anything considered liberal or radical could be difficult or even dangerous. For free-thinking artists and intellectuals, private gatherings were not merely convivial occasions, but an opportunity for creativity and the exchange of ideas. Thus it is perhaps not surprising that among the many dances and drinking songs can also be found some of Schubert’s most personal and sublime music.
All our seating is unreserved; please arrive in good time to take your seat. For groups of more than 10, please phone or email the box office to book your tickets.
The event duration is in two sections of approximately 1 hour 15 minutes with a break of 1 hour and 15 minutes in between.
(Online bookings only)
Book five or more concerts at the same time: 5% discount
Book ten or more concerts at the same time: 10% discount
Book fifteen or more concerts at the same time: 15% discount
For even further discounts click here for more information on our Festival Passes.
Tickets will be issued as eTickets by default. Printed tickets are available on request, for an additional fee.
- Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828)
- Die Geselligkeit „Lebenslust“ (1818) D609
- Trinklied, D183
- Geheimnis ‘An Franz Schubert’ (1816) D491
- Am See (1822) D746 1822-1823
- Wie Ulfru fischt (1817) D525
- Am Bach im Frühling D361
- Frühlingsgesang (1822) D740
- Der Fischer D225
- Kantate zum Geburtstag des Sängers Michael Vogl (1819) D666
- Punschlied 'Vier Elemente' (1815) D277
- Fischerweise (1826) D881
- Totengräberweise (1826) D869
- Ständchen (1827) D920
- Der Hochzeitsbraten (1827) D930
- Die Rose (1822) D745
- Sei mir gegrüsst (1822) D741
- Der Musensohn (1822) D764
- Schwanengesang, D744
- Die Nachtigall (1821) D724
- Licht und Liebe (1816) D352
- Nacht und Träume (1823) D827
- Geist der Liebe, D747
- An Silvia (1826) D891
- Trinklied (1826) D888
- Auf Der Bruck „Auf Der Brücke“ (1825) D853
- Trinklied (1815) D267
- Kantate für Irene Kiesewetter (1827) D936
~~~ Interval ~~~

14 October 2022 | 11:00am